Credit Risk Today: an OCC Perspective

Samantha: Hello, this is Samantha Shares.

This episode covers the O C C's
current thoughts on Credit Risk

This podcast is educational
and is not legal advice.

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Exam Solutions Incorporated, whose

team has over two hundred and forty
years of National Credit Union

Administration (N C U A) experience.

We assist our clients with N C
U A so they save time and money.


Commercial credit risk remains
moderate and shows signs of

stabilizing as risks are better
identified, monitored, and controlled.

Elevated but declining interest rates
could continue to affect borrowers

with loans that originated before 2022,
especially those with variable rates,

or borrowers seeking refinancing.

Credit risk drivers indicate
pockets of risk specific to a

lender's region and lending market.

The current operating environment remains
challenging, especially for companies with

higher leverage and marginal repayment
capacity, smaller and lower-rated firms

with near-term debt maturities, firms
with a higher level of floating debt, and

firms with limited financial flexibility.

It is important that banks continue
to use sound credit risk management

practices such as stress testing at
both the portfolio and facility levels,

timely and accurate risk ratings, and
effective concentration risk management.

The C R E office sector continues
to experience stress, and there may

be additional valuation declines and
bank losses as a volume of office and

multifamily loans—many with interest-only
terms—are set to mature or reprice

over the next two to three years.

C R E borrowers seeking to refinance
may need to re-margin through cash

equity injections or by providing
additional collateral because of higher

debt costs and lower property values.

Generally, banks are appropriately
identifying problem office C R E loans,

and the O C C expects banks to continue to
have credit risk management systems that

produce accurate, timely risk ratings.

Classified loan levels may increase
but are expected to remain manageable.

Risks in multifamily C R
E lending remain elevated,

particularly in the luxury segment.

Nationwide, pressures from higher
interest rates and increased

expenses are slowing the growth
in net operating income (N O I).

Oversupply in some southern, southeastern,
and western metro areas and changes in

rent regulations in some markets have
resulted in further narrowing of N O I.

The hotel and industrial sectors
continue to show signs of softening.

While banks with C R E concentrations
continue to present heightened risk,

C R E loan growth has slowed overall.

Staffing continues to be
challenging in the loan workout

and credit risk review functions.

During the most recent benign
credit period, retirements and

other attrition decreased the
number of experienced professionals.

It remains important for banks to ensure
that experienced staffing is adequate.

The allowance for credit losses
(A C L) should continue to reflect

a forward-looking assessment
of loan portfolio risks.

This includes considerations for
potential loss drivers from a bank's

current business, economic, and
overall operating environments.

The A C L should include appropriate
adjustments, such as qualitative factors,

recalibration, or model redevelopment, to
address potential modeling imprecision.


Retail credit performance
remains satisfactory, and overall

retail credit risk is stable.

In recent years, consumers benefitted
from strong employment and wage growth,

but those factors are beginning to slow.

However, the labor market's rebalancing
of supply and demand does not currently

indicate systemic consumer stress.

Consumer segments that are most
susceptible to elevated prices are highly

leveraged, lower income borrowers, but
do not present systemic credit risk.

Delinquency and loss rates on
residential real estate-secured

loans held by banks remain
historically low but are increasing.

Delinquencies in other retail asset
classes, namely credit cards and auto

loans, reflect an increasing trend.

However, banks' retail credit loan
performance is consistent with many

industry forecasts reflecting delinquency
and seasonal loss patterns normalizing

from atypical historically low levels.

Portfolio growth was generally
flat for the first half of 2024.

Headline nominal growth in credit card
outstandings continues, largely because

of several years of high inflation.

Credit risk drivers continue to
include higher interest rates on newly

originated loans with potentially
higher loan-to-value ratios,

upward adjustments on variable rate
loans, and borrower segments with

more limited repayment capacity.

Banks reported tighter lending standards
across most categories of residential

real estate lending, and with credit
card, auto, and other consumer loans

in response to economic uncertainty.

As risk profiles change, increased
portfolio monitoring may be

warranted with appropriate risk
allocation within the A C L.

Sound governance, transparency,
and documentation of assumptions

and judgments, including those for
scenario selection and weighting,

are critical to an appropriate A C L.

Homeowners face mortgage
payment increases.

Home price appreciation is contributing
to increased real estate taxes, and

insurance costs are increasing because
of appreciating home values, rising

construction costs, and insurability
issues related to climate-related events.

Affordability pressures in some
geographies are more material

and may adversely affect
borrowers' ability to repay debts.

The increase in housing obligations may
warrant enhanced risk identification,

monitoring, and reporting.

Despite increasing costs, the median
monthly payment increase in taxes and

insurance is not anticipated to have
a systemic impact on retail credit.

Collateral administration
policies should outline standards,

responsibilities, processes, and
internal controls so banks maintain

appropriate collateral protection.

Such policies and procedures should
facilitate timely identification,

remediation, and reporting of
expired insurance policies and

inadequate insurance coverage.

If your Credit union could use assistance
with your exam, reach out to Mark Treichel

on LinkedIn, or at mark Treichel dot com.

This is Samantha Shares and
we Thank you for listening.

Credit Risk Today: an OCC Perspective
Broadcast by